Land Survey Council


This page provides Registered Surveyors and Trainee Surveyors with links to forms, various publications and a host of other useful information as well as providing links to relevant legislation.

Historical Documents

1. The proclamation made by the then Governor Fredrick North to establish the Survey Department of Ceylon in 1800.
2. The Surveyors ordinance No. 15 of 1889 now superseded by Survey Act No. 17 of 2002
3. A list of all past Surveyors General from 1800.

Accredited Surveyors

A list of all Registered Surveyors and Registered Licensed Surveyors who are accredited to do surveys under Title Registration Act. (Link to Survey Department Website page for Accredited Surveyors)

Past Question Papers

Past question papers of exams regarding Registration and Licensing.

On-line forms

Plan Issuing Register and Field Book

The Registered Licensed Surveyors who wish to purchase Plan Issuing Register and Field Books could order them from the LSC (Not ready yet).


Reciprocating Surveying Institutes/ Associations

Universities/ Institutions


1. Registration Fee - SLSS Applicants Rs. 10,000/-
2 Registration Fee - Non- SLSS ApplicantsRs. 10,000/-
3 Fee for furnishing a copy of the registration certificate Rs. 1,100/-
4 Fees Related to Annual Practising Licence Fee for the first time
Licence Fee Rs.10,000/-
10% of Stamp Duty/Tax Rs.1,000/-
Smart Licence Fee Rs.500/-
5 Fees Related to Renewal of Licence
Licence Renewal Fee Rs.5,000/-
10% of Stamp Duty/Tax Rs.500/-
Smart Licence Fee Rs.500/-
Late processing fee Rs.1,000/- (per month)
Gazette notification fee after 31st January Rs.5,000/-
6CPD Course Fee - Online Rs.3,000/- (For each course)
7CPD Course Fee - Physical Rs. 6,000/- (For each course)
8Plan Issuing Register Rs. 1250/- (*First time issuing free)
9Complaint opening fee Rs. 2,500/-
11Charges for examining the complaint Rs. 5,000/-
12Charges for issuing information Rs. 250/-
13Application fee of examination Rs. 1,200/-

LSC Circulars

  1. Circular No 1/2015
  2. Circular No 1/2016
  3. Circular No 1/2017
  4. LSC Circular No 2/2017
  5. LSC Circular No 3/2017
  6. Guideline to Registered Licensed Surveyors (English Version)
  7. Guideline to Registered Licensed Surveyors (Sinhala Version)
  8. Circular No 1/2021
  9. Circular for applying APL-2023
  10. Circular for applying APL-2024